Amplify Hope:

A logistics and warehousing ministry that gives organizations the ability to say “yes” to large scale donations

What does saying “yes” to these donations look like?

One day it may look like 30 pallets of winter coats, and another it might be 200 infant car seats. The next week it could be a box truck full of miscellaneous housewares or hundreds of space heaters. The material items will vary, but what is consistent is our volunteers’ commitment to bringing the resources we are trusted with handling to children and families in the field. Through partnerships with large distribution centers, we are able to accept donations in very large amounts. Assets are quickly reallocated to those in the trenches every day affecting lives and sharing the Love of Christ.

In 2023, we have worked with well over 200 organizations putting material assets in the hands of helping organizations on the ground changing lives.


  • Amplify Hope donations come from relationships with large distribution centers and warehouses.

  • Volunteer opportunities are somewhat sporadic, so click here to stay up-to-date on ways to get involved!

  • Amplify Hope is run by a team of volunteers that have been involved with Fostering Families Inc for years. We are so thankful for their time and dedication!

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